object($table,"where idx='{$idx}'"); $category = $row->category; $route_arr = explode(",",$row->route); $tel = substr($row->tel,-4); switch($category){ case "1": $title = "성인직업교육훈련"; break; case "2": $title = "재직자과정"; break; default: $title = ""; break; } ?>

Warning: Undefined variable $title in /usr/share/nginx/html/_components/course_write.php on line 15
수강신청서 작성

추후 과정확인을 위해 내용을 정확히 입력해주시기 바랍니다.


*는 필수 입력사항으로 입학자료신청시 반드시 필요한 항목입니다.

성명 * /usr/share/nginx/html/_components/course_write.php on line 39
" required>
생년월일 * /usr/share/nginx/html/_components/course_write.php on line 47
" required>
연락처 * /usr/share/nginx/html/_components/course_write.php on line 56
" required>
이메일 /usr/share/nginx/html/_components/course_write.php on line 64
주소 *
/usr/share/nginx/html/_components/course_write.php on line 82
" required> 우편번호 찾기
/usr/share/nginx/html/_components/course_write.php on line 86
참여희망 과정
참여경로 *조기취업형계약학과 또는 단기과정을 어떻게 알게 되셨습니까? 2개 이상일 경우 중복 선택해 주십시오
Warning: Undefined variable $route_arr in /usr/share/nginx/html/_components/course_write.php on line 161

Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: in_array(): Argument #2 ($haystack) must be of type array, null given in /usr/share/nginx/html/_components/course_write.php:161 Stack trace: #0 /usr/share/nginx/html/_components/course_write.php(161): in_array() #1 /usr/share/nginx/html/html/sub03/s0301__2.php(36): include_once('...') #2 {main} thrown in /usr/share/nginx/html/_components/course_write.php on line 161